We heard about Farosh Maya Magar through a relative of one of our volunteers. We wanted to find out more about her and her family. When our volunteers, Rabin and Arun, visited her they learned about her poor economic condition. A single mother of 4, Farosh Maya Magar lives with her family members in a one-story house. She struggles on a daily basis to meet her family’s needs because of her poor financial condition.
In order to help Farosh Maya Magar, Yang-Ward Foundation launched a project “Lead the Way for Women” in 2017. This project is funded by Paul Kavanaugh and Debbie Kavanaugh. They have been continuous supporters of the Yang-Ward Foundation’s work since its inception.
After being on the road for 12 hours and crossing the river Kamala Mai without a bridge, our volunteers reached her village to launch the project. Our volunteers delivered 6 hybrid goats to Farosh Maya who is excited to turn her life around with the help of this project. “I never thought I would ever get help from people who live continents away. People say miracles happen and trust me I do believe in miracles now”, Farosh Maya Magar expressed her gratitude to our team members and donors. Thank you Paul and Debbie for supporting our mission and providing unwavering love, support and encouragement. On behalf of happy Farosh Maya Magar and her family, we would like to thank our volunteers for helping us to implement this project successfully.
Dudhauli Nagarpalika, Sindhuli
Goat Farming