Man Kumari Khatri, hardly remembers her actual age. Even though she is in her sixties, Man Kumari is still energetic. She works in the field and takes care of household chores as well. Being an elderly woman, Man Kumari finds it hard to get help and support from local community members. “People are not comfortable hiring me to work in their field because I am old. If I ended up getting hired, I don’t get paid as much as other younger women get paid”, Man Kumari shares her experience with us.
Dressed up in her best outfit, Man Kumari was walking around barefoot. She tells us, she doesn’t have enough money to buy herself a pair of walking shoes or slippers. Man Kumari is excited to start a goat-farming project. She hopes to pay back her debt with the income.
Thalhari, Dolakha
Goat Farming